I found all of Zoe's birthday cakes from years past! This is probably more exciting for me, so humor me and have fun looking through the pictures!

This was a whole grain carrot cake with all natural sweeteners. It tasted very good and Zoe kept wanting to smash it with her whole arm, but kept second guessing herself like she wasn't' sure if it was the right thing to do.

I had someone else decorate Zoe's cake this year, and I was so disappointed that I didn't do it. It was this cake that made me decide to always have fun doing Zoe's cake myself. This was a whole grain chocolate cake that was very moist and dense and yummy.

This was a lot of fun to make. It was a chocolate cherry cake made with a can of cherry pie filling, and it was extremely good. I decorated it the night before and put the red jellybeans on it and took pictures. When I took it out of the fridge the next morning, the red jellybeans bled all over the cake. I'm glad I got the shot the night before.
This cake was awful. Zoe said she wanted a princess cake, so I decided to try one of those Barbie cakes (generic Barbie used). She also said that it needed to have fruit on it to make it healthy. Well, the frosting was slightly to runny and I couldn't keep Barbie's top on, and the fruit kept sliding down the side. I quickly squirted and placed everything on before taking this shot. This cake was a chocolate zucchini cake, and I thought I would add a little extra zucchini to make it healthier, and it tasted really bad, like a mouthful of veggies with icing on it.

This year Zoe said she wanted Belle and Ariel on a cake, so I took on the grand task of trying to recreate Disney. I think the design turned out fairly well, although they had really creepy eyes. At least you could tell who they were, and I consider that a success. This was a chocolate mint cake, that tasted like a peppermint patty. It had a layer of chocolate cake, a layer of white "peppermint patty" filling, and a layer of chocolate ganache on top. It had a very intense flavor, but everyone who loved mint chocolate loved the cake.

This was the first year that I tried to use fondant, and thought it turned out really well. The fondant didn't have much flavor, but the cake looked great, kind of reminiscent of a 50's diner. You know, I can't remember what flavor cake this was. I believe it was some variety of chocolate.
Those are great cakes, Meagan! I really, really like the Hi Ho Cherry-Oh cake! How cool! :)
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