Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Cheese Enchiladas

Last night I made a cheese enchilada recipe from Simply Recipes, one of the more popular food blogs. I was really excited to use this recipe, and had it bookmarked for a long time, but since Zoe has been sensitive to dairy products the recipe has been dormant in my files. I have a good friend that picked me up some raw cheese the past couple of weeks, and I think Zoe can tolerate this new food! So last night I was very excited to make Zoe her favorite Mexican restaurant meal that she hasn't had in a long time...but it didn't turn out so good. Personally, I thought the sauce was awful and bland, and Ben could only eat a few bites. There was something that I learned about authentic enchiladas, though - you have to soften the corn tortillas in oil to get the right texture. When I have made enchiladas in the past, they always turned out too soggy if I used flour tortillas, and too cardboard-ey if I used corn tortillas. The texture of these enchiladas was restaurant perfect! I decided not to post the whole recipe since we didn't like it, but I am pasting in the segment on softening the tortillas:

"In a large fry pan at high heat add 3 Tbsp of grapeseed oil. Add a tortilla to the pan. Cook for 2-3 seconds, lift up the tortilla with a spatula, add another tortilla underneath. Cook for 2-3 seconds, lift again, both tortillas, and add another tortilla underneath. Repeat the process with all the tortillas, adding a little more oil if needed. This way you can brown and soften the tortillas without using a lot of fat. You do this process to develop the flavor of the tortillas. As the tortillas brown a little, remove from the pan one by one to rest on a paper towel, which absorbs any excess fat." - from Simply Recipes

I didn't have grapeseed oil, so I used olive oil, and I put paper towels in-between every 2 tortillas when finished to remove excess oil.


Sutrannu said...

Not very good. The raw cheese is very strong and delectable by itself, but it was indistinguishable through the sauce. I did eat more than a couple of bites! I ate all of my rice/beans and more than half of the enchiladas. 2/10.